Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 8

Construct changeover circuit:

This is for the first time construct the switching circuit with my friend azizul and his uncle,angah (that the name we call).This switching circuit to change over when the voltage drop or high voltage.The picture that show not a complete circuit since it not construct yet when this picture taken.

This happen when the me done a wrong connection wire life and neutral (short circuit). So when do the circuit,make sure the connection right before try it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 7

Test the previous circuit that construct:

The circuit test:

The input voltage for the solar panel that we get and test:

We change the analog multimeter to digital multimeter since it more easy to read.And we can't continue the test since rainy day.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 6

Construct another circuit: solar charger circuit

For this circuit,the battery has be change to 12v 4.5 Ah and variable resistor to 100k ohm.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 5

Learn more about power supply

A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e.g., mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical energy. A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite variations in either load current or the voltage supplied by the power supply's energy source.
Every power supply must obtain the energy it supplies to its load, as well as any energy it consumes while performing that task, from an energy source. Depending on its design, a power supply may obtain energy from:
  • Electrical energy transmission systems. Common examples of this include power supplies that convert AC line voltage to DC voltage.
  • Energy storage devices such as batteries and fuel cells.
  • Electromechanical systems such as generators and alternators.
  • Solar power.
A power supply may be implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as an integral device that is hardwired to its load. Examples of the latter case include the low voltage DC power supplies that are part of desktop computers and consumer electronics devices.
Commonly specified power supply attributes include:
  • The amount of voltage and current it can supply to its load.
  • How stable its output voltage or current is under varying line and load conditions.
  • How long it can supply energy without refueling or recharging (applies to power supplies that employ portable energy sources).